Aug 23, 2010

Lightworkers & Lightworking

As spiritual beings in a human existence, we each have a life purpose or soul mission to complete in our life. It is the reason we incarnate on the Earth plane.

As lightworkers we specifically volunteered to be here during the most crucial of Earth’s times before and after the year 2000, in a concerted effort to spread our loving energies in order to dissipate destructive and negative mass consciousness. Many lightworkers are on the Earth plane at this time with the specific purpose of using our knowledge of healing to teach, counsel, write, heal and enlighten others.

As lightworkers our most vital contributions to the planet Earth and its inhabitants are done on a mental and spiritual plane. Consequently, if a lightworker frets over a world problem or issue and becomes frustrated because of a feeling of being unable to contribute positively through ‘bodily’ efforts, those thoughts and feelings thwart their healing abilities. The fretting adds fuel to the mass world consciousness of fear.

In the case of terrorists, rapists and murderers, criminals, rather than succumbing to human feelings of fear, disgust, rejection and hate, a lightworker must focus and send love, light and healing to the perpetrator. To feel and send negative energies only fosters and grows more negatively, feeding the fear mentally.

As lightworkers we are apt encounter resistance from people who fear or misunderstand our motives. We must not react to their fears with anything but love and light, otherwise we give power and reality to fear.

Lightworkers are able to manifest and heal anything … if they hold the essence of Love.

Every instance in which you have experienced pain can serve as our ‘teacher’ helping us to learn, grow and find ways to live in peaceful happiness. Our hard-won lessons while here on Earth are also valuable in our roles as ‘Lightworkers’.  Because we have experienced pain, we are able to feel compassion for those who become our clients, students, friends and associates.

As lightworkers, our mission depends upon our learning how to stay centered in our higher-self’s love. Our promise to help the world obligates us to give our ego a restraining order and to choose thoughts of love instead of thoughts of guilt and fear. We must be willing to let go of our petty ego-based concerns so that we can focus our entire mind on our tasks.

As a lightworker you were born to perform healing functions. Some lightworkers will be attracted to and involved in emotional healing, physical healing, research, teaching, writing, the arts, counseling and the like.

Lightworkers who are called to do spiritual healing will be working in the true-self world - therefore, our focus is not so much on actions, or doing treatments as such. Our job is to help others change from ‘ego’ to ‘true-self’. Lightworkers are also able to call upon angels and holy masters to evoke healing.

Your inner-guide will lead you to the place and healing modality or role where you belong. You will know whether you are supposed to get training or educational preparation/certification. If you are, then your inner-guide will lead you to the right teacher, course or school. Your guides and the Universe will help you to afford the necessary course and lesson fees.

In time, the people who will be your clients and students will be led to you through their own inner-guides.

Don’t worry about how you will learn to do your lightworking function - just trust that you will.

Each lightworker receives their own unique assignments in regards to how to help in the healing of the world.

Lightworkers may be called upon to do healing work on either the ‘ego plane’ of energy and matter, or the true-self’s spiritual plane. In energy healing work, you use your natural psychic attunement abilities to see and feel your client’s energy centers. Your energy work may also incorporate psychic healing in which you tune into your client’s emotions and thoughts that are creating ‘problems’. Energy work also includes mediumship which involves working with the energy fields of deceased people who may be affecting others.

A lightworker’s purpose in conducting psychic readings is different from the image of a parlour-style fortune-teller. Lightworkers are here to fulfill healing functions. Psychic abilities and communication help to hear, see, feel and/or know the source of someone’s emotional and/or physical distress, enabling one to offer and give the relevant healing/s.


It is important to take deep breaths, as his is how the spirit world transmits information to us.


It is very important to watch your thoughts about other people. All spiritual texts emphasize that the way we think about others instantly affects the way we think about ourselves. How you think and treat another is how you think of yourself. Therefore, consciously work at looking and treating others with the same sort of respect that you wish to feel towards yourself.


Prayers’ power to heal has been widely documented and there is a great deal of scientific evidence and medical research about prayers remarkable curative powers. While one person’s prayers alone can heal any condition, there is a lot of evidence that group prayers effect remarkable healings.

One singular prayer is like one light beam, whereas when we join our single prayer with that of others with the same intent, our prayers combine to shine a much brighter light.

Joanne Walmsley
Sacred Scribes


  1. Replies
    1. haha I agree with you. I can relate to all this so much it's both overwhelming and exciting at the same time. Much love & light to you. Namaste

    2. I have been searching for meaning in my life and what I have to offer is love. The universe has been tugging at me and prodding me. I had a NDE as an infant and now realize i am a portal to the spirit world. But it took me years to realize this. I am clearly open and slowly have realized that I in tune with the spirit world. Now I will develop this gift!

    3. Thank you to the Powers that Be of love and light

    4. I want to join with global prayers please, want to contribute. Let us focus on Ukraine please. The world leaders need to see the light. Much ❤️ it is time to unite!

    5. bernardo visser (facebook)May 10, 2023 at 5:53 AM

      We need the world leader to see the light! Please... I want to join in global prayers. Lets unite..Find me on facebook name bernardo visser. Born 1975 28 feb live in spain

    6. I agree 💯 about global prayers, especially for Ukraine right now and all in Russia against what has and is happening with Ukraine. The countries leaders definitely need need to see and feel the light. Light workers UNITE!!

    7. I agree that Ukraine, and also those in Russia who are against this war and what has happened, need our light and to feel our love. All world leaders need this as well. Let's UNITE as Light Workers and send daily!

    8. Day 1 and I had pizza…probably not the best food choice of a lightworker lol Not sure if Ann Arbor or Pittsburgh is next…I love them both.

  2. Thank you I needed this bless you in Christ name 🙏💚👼

  3. Thank you I needed this God bless you in Christ name 🙏💚👼

  4. Thank you Joanne...I truly agree with what you have written. I am one of the light workers and it helps a lot to have such info and explanation regarding light working. Thanks once again for this inspiration.

    1. Hello my name is maria sorry to bother you but am new at talking to my Angel's and truly wish to have someone genuinely wanting to teach me what they know

    2. I'm willing to chat about it. I'm also new to this area of my life but I think having anyone who can relate on this level would be helpful �� You can email me if you like

    3. My name is Lori I would like to understand what my purpose is. I’ve always felt like I was a healer but wasn’t sure to what extent. thank you Joanne I appreciate your guidance.

    4. I would ask for your guidance in getting accepted in the community. I am ready

    5. Hey you guy's.. my name is Joshua Williford and I am seeking guidance. I know that I Iam meant to be out there healing others in whatever ways iam of n3ed, but, iam having a hard time finding my light to put into would greatly be appreciated if there was someone out there that would be willing to guide me along to reach my highest potential. I know for a 💯 facy that i was placed on this earth to reach the lost and broken at heart. I just need some guidance to get me where I'm needed 🙏 979-497-9460 God bless each and everyone of you in chrsit name...

    6. Thank you all love and let light lead the way
      May everything In darkness manifest in my light may it shine ever so brightly

  5. This entire website is amazing. Joanne, thank you for blessing all who arrive here to receive the messages you relay, in order that we may better understand who, what, and why we are here.
    Abundant blessings and love to you!

  6. Thank you Joanne. I have probably visited your site everyday, multiple times a day since I ran across it a couple weeks ago. You are amazing. I have realized that I'm callled to be a lightworker and the information you provide is so uplifting!. Thank you for your wonderful and blessed insight. Blessings, love and peace to you.

  7. Thank you!! I recently realized I am a lightworker in the world and I've been spreading my positivity for months prior!!! This has helped me so much in knowing I'm going down the right path in life and I can't wait to spread more of my knowledge and love!!!!

  8. Thank you joanne,i finley starting to understand,what it's mean to become a lightworker.God and all my Angels,work realy hard with me.Thank you again and god bless you.

  9. Thank you for your guidance Joanne. I love your site and the many links to even more information that opens our eyes. It helps us be who we truly are I am most grateful to know I am on the right path as a Light worker and healer. Thanks to you many blessings love and light for you xxx

  10. Dear Joanne.
    It's so interesting. I started seeing the same number again and again and again about two years ago. I hadn't ever been into numerology, but this freaked me out so much that I literally "googled" "why do I see this number everywhere", haha. And then I stumbled on your site as well as a bunch of other ones about angel numbers. I like how yours is very concrete and straight forward. It has helped me a lot in understanding my path. Thank you! I just started my own website, since I thought I might start sharing my work as a lightworker. If you would have the time to take a look and give feedback, I would love to hear it. It's Otherwise, I'll just keep going to your page, when ever I need to decode an angel number. Love and light, Cecilie

  11. My mother makes me Sunshine. The world has given me horrible circumstances yet I still rise and shine! Thank you for the confirmation and the namesake ~Lightworker

  12. Hello,Joanne my Name is Nichole Winger and I have come to the conclusion that I must be a lightworker I have always felt that I don't belong here on Earth and I have never felt like I fit in and I am so strong for all the things I have gone through in my life I have been things starting at the age of my innocence I was only five years old when I was hurt by people who were my neighbors and they did physical harm to me and I was blamed by my own grandmother for what happened to me but now that I am older I know now that it is not my fault but I have gone through so much more in my forty years here on Earth and trying to stay strong and not give up even a couple of times I was almost successful of ending my life and for some reason by God and his miracles and his angels I am still here and seeking answers from God and trying to find my way in this life I feel like I am some sort of magical being sent to earth for the purpose I feel in my heart to spread the word of God and to help heal the world from the sin in this world that seems to be getting worse day by day and so on and so forth . I hope you are doing well. I am getting better by going to counseling but I have a mission to get the gospel of our Lord and savior jesus. And I feel like I am chosen by God to help spread his love to the world. Thank you for your help I keep seeing so many repeating number sequences over and over again daily and I know now my purpose in life now because of the angels sending me messages with the numbers. God bless you. Sincerely, Nichole Arlene Winger

    1. Hi Nicole, I've recently had a traumatic event accur that sent my spiritual awakening over the top.. I've also my whole life felt like I didn't belong. I've been thru more than a average person could bare so many life difficulties and my life path number is 5 which is that exact meaning I've always thought is bad, but now I know I was supposed to be put thru those things so I'd wake up! I've started having my awking around 2016 I was doing drugs for over 10 years and just suddenly I wanted to quit & I did cold turkey after going to rehab which never worked, after this last event my sister passing I've just been flooded with numbers .. I've never really spoke up & loud about God but just suddenly I just felt the need to tell everyone .. talk to him as much as needed if you need counseling as well do but talking to him helped me more I wish you the best on your journey God bless you !

  13. Joanne I learned of your page through a conversation with a homeless guy when I first learned of my journey. Ever since then I come here for confirmation. Thank you for being obedient to your souls purpose. Love and light 🌏

  14. Joanne thanks so much for doing what you do to help others also GOD has called you to help us thanks so much for that help.

  15. Someone told me I had the brighest white light around me she'd ever seen.What does that mean? I didn't ask.

  16. Thank you Joanne. I am a lightworker.

  17. Thank you Joanne, I am truly greatful

  18. 💙🙏🦋, tank u Joanne.

    Love & Light


  19. Thank you Joanne! This explains a lot. I've always felt that my energy (both positive and negative) has a stronger effect on other. It was a great reminder to always strive to think and send love and light in every situation.

    Many thanks!

  20. Just stumbled upon this website b/c the universe sent out a message to me earlier today. The number "3339" for some reason left a deep impression and so I found out my angel number and eventually was lead here. Blessed to have found this website, as I intend to be a psychologist later in life and as such wish to be a lightworker. At this moment, I feel like my life is more concrete after encountering this and receiving a confirmation that I am heading down the right path to finding my true self and discovering love in abundance.

  21. HiJoanne,thank you for this amazing website.i encountered it 4 years ago and it has really helped me get clarity on some issues.keep up the good work

  22. For lightworking, would you need to have a torch? Also would an owl be beneficial?

  23. Im in it, I'm doing it, but I am new at it so please Keep me in your prayers because although my Faith is strong, it is constantly being challenged now more than ever.

  24. Thanks for this post. I was lead here by Angels on 11/7/2019 @ 1:17 PM. These numbers stacked up on the bottom right corner of my computer and could not be ignored. This post and your others gave me clarity to what I was looking for.

    However, seeing it stacked up on top of one another concerns me little. I wished I new what that means.

  25. Many thanks - Blessed-be

  26. Thank you ma'am. Many blessings and abundance to you and your house.

  27. I'm a lightworker thank fuck for that I try thought my head was twated when God asked me what did I want to do,thanks joanne,up the good guys,have a listen to medicine show,by big audio dynamite,and Keep a look out for me Skinny Love haha

  28. I'm awake, I remember,and you wont believe it the person or being I love most,would not let me come alone, I'm going to wake her at 8am this morning,she told me to say my name and kiss her, I'll let you know how I get on 😎😀👽😎

  29. Hi. I am curious what brought you here. Maybe you could send me a text? :)

  30. Hi,its skinny love fully awake,and ready to kick some reptilian arse, I knew it was a mistake to wish to be the arch angel Micheal,oh well, I was a bit bored anyway,say a prayer for me and let my light shine bright and show others the way

  31. Hi Joanne,

    I am drawn to this website every day for over the last month or so. I am so intrigued by your knowledge and helping me to understand angel numbers. You are truly motivating and you help me to keep my thoughts positive as well along with my number one spiritual guide and the angels.

    Thank you!!!

  32. Thank you so much!
    I take tarot readings from The Tarot Priest since last year and every deck I pick or for my zodiac sign (Taurus) she says,'You are a lightworker' and I never really understood!
    Now I finally understand cus around a week ago I got my spiritual awakening twice and 2 days ago I had the 3rd one, yesterday it felt like my soul was sooo light, like I wasn't in my own body, I see angelnumbers and numbers during meditations, everything is exactly how it should be. It's insane!
    I never knew, I never understood...
    I'm an awakened lightworker and I managed to heal my sick gerbil, her back legs got paralyzed in just 1 day. I did energy healing and the next day she walked fully normal again! Almost a week later she is jumping, eating, cuddling with er sister... It's soooo crazy I never knew this was possible!
    Soon I'll help my friend <3
    Also, I knew May was going to be veeeery excited, and I'm veeeery excited for the first time in my life to get older, 22 on May 19th <3
    Thankyou sooo much for your explanation, my entire life fits exactly in this!




    1. can we talk? I had a similar experience. withlightandlove[at]protonmail[dot]com

  36. I'm in Utah. Message me for a meet

  37. Miss Joanne, Thank you so much! I'm learning so much from your website Angel numbers is the best website and I'm learning so much! God Bless you and thank you for generally and freely giving this information you are a light lol Kathleen

  38. Thank you God Bless you you are a light

  39. Thank posted this at 4:44pm and at the time of reading 44 comments.

  40. I've been on this site since 2013, never left a comment for some reason. I'm alive and standing today because of Joanne

  41. Seeing 911 repeatedly brought me here. I am so grateful. Peace love and much light to you ✨

  42. Hello. When I tell you I'm floored, I am.. I've been having extreme events & circumstances surrounding me all my life.. in the past 10 years, I've been getting this Strong soul pull to connect with God.. the most amazing things are going on in my life as a result, and I need help.. I'm so sure I was guided here...

  43. I want to thank you for putting all of this together for the world. We love and appreciate you! ❤️����

  44. So we all humans are lightworkers here??

  45. Hello Joanne,

    I am so grateful to you and the gifts you share. I'm wondering if you could elaborate a little more on this section

    "Energy work also includes mediumship which involves working with the energy fields of deceased people who may be affecting others."

    I am a healer that works primarily with the physical body, though I do dabble with energy from time to time. During a meditation I was asking if I was utilizing all of my gifts and sharing them to my fullest extent... I distinctly heard psychic medium.

    My interested is there, but I haven't yet discovered what or how this is supposed to be used. I know it says dont worry about the how, but in reading this section I am curious and would like any additional information you might be able to provide.

    Again, thanks so much for all you do ��

  46. I would love to connect with people from here please. Thank you for this page to connect us all.

  47. How does one know if they are a lightworker?

  48. Forgive my ignorance, if I am to be a light worker, what is the difference, and where would my consciousness be in the ego plane versus the spiritual plane? Thank you. I am grateful for you, your site and the tremendous sense of peace following the numbers and my path gives. Knowing the guides and angels are supporting me is fulfilling and uplifting. Never have I been so motivated to live my values. This is what I was searching for…


  49. Thank you for sharing wonderful information with us to get some idea about that content.

  50. Very good article! We will be linking to this particularly great post on our website. Keep up the good writing.
    Thank you for sharing wonderful information with us to get some idea about that content.

  51. My name is Jasiah and I am a light worker. Just trying to communicate with as many light workers as I can. My instagram is Jasiahhhh.
    If your higher self compels you hit me up! Let’s figure this shit out together lol 🤟🏽

  52. Posting again. Light worker. My name is Jasiah Everett born 10/08/1991. Trying to communicate with as many lightworkers as possible. My Instagram is Jasiahhhh
    Let’s figure out what we are supposed to do lol 🤟🏽
