What your signature says about you ...
You are able to tell a great deal by the way a person signs their name. Your signature is a very personal mark which can distinguish personality traits.
Compare your signature to your usual handwriting.
Same size and style of your usual handwriting:
Indicates a person who is straight-forward and uncomplicated.
Signature very different from your usual handwriting:
Falls below the line: Indicates a pessimistic person who puts on a brave face to the world.
Rises above the line:
Indicates an optimistic person who prefers to see the positive side of things.
Signature larger than usual handwriting:
Indicates a person who is highly ambitious and very capable.
Signature smaller than usual handwriting:
May indicate someone with an inferiority complex and possibly quite a shy and/or timid person.
Signature very small compared to usual handwriting:
Indicates an anxious and easily stressed person.
An illegible signature:
Can indicate a person who could be hiding something and who can be an inconsiderate of others.
A signature slanted to the left:
Indicates a person who is more reserved that what they may appear. Can indicate a sensitive person who may be unsure of themselves.
A signature slanted to the right:
Indicates a clever, quick-minded person, who can be secretive and possibly manipulative.
A swirly signature with lots of loops:
Indicates a creative and assertive person who is a natural-born leader.
An underlined signature:
Indicates an honest and responsible person who has high personal integrity.
Placement in the middle of a document or signature line on a document:
Signing in the middle (eg ___***___) of a line indicates a person who seeks security and who can be quite indecisive at times.
Signing at the right of a document or signature line on a document:
Signing at the right (eg ______***_) of a line indicates an optimistic and enthusiastic person who likes to live their life to the full.
Signing at the left of a document or signature line on a document:
Signing at the left (eg _***______) of a line can indicate a person who is a little pessimistic and who tends to dwell on the past. This person does not like to take risks.
First and surname are the same size:
Indicates a very balanced person who is able to balance their work, home and play.
Larger first name:
Can indicate a person who likes to be in the limelight and can be quite a ‘social butterfly’.
Larger surname:
Indicates a person who puts family first at all times, and who is happy to go with the flow.
Prosperity Signatures:
Prosperity signatures point to the right and are upwards slanting and the first letter of the name has an upward slant. The last letter of the name ends the same way (upward slant).
DO’s and DON’T’s of Signatures:
* Do NOT circle your signature as this locks you in and holds you back in life.
* Do NOT leave the letters O and G open. Closing them seals deals and can indicate financial success. On a contract (or even a wedding certificate) make sure O’s and G’s are closed to ensure success.
* DO cross your T’s and dot your I’s. Completing the letters properly reduces the chance of loosing money
Joanne Walmsley
Sacred Scribes
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