Feb 14, 2010

Healing Addictions

Addictions are a result of giving away our personal power and addictions of all kinds go hand in hand with negative feelings, situations, aspects and thought-patterns within ourselves, and can be the result of a lack of self-respect and low self-esteem.

Addictions can be destructive for all concerned … the ‘addict’ and family, friends and those close.

The substance of addiction - be it alcohol, caffeine, sugar, chocolate, illicit or prescription drugs etc may be potentially harmful in the long-term and/or large doses.

The addiction is a sign of inner weakness and lack of fortitude. The fact that the addict believes they can’t live without it indicates a lack of personal control.

The long-term results of an addiction can become a negative thought-form or pattern as the brain keeps sending out the ‘demand and need’ messages and signals, and these become the main focus and driving force of the addict.

Below are some suggestions to help beat an addiction and break a negative habit.

• Focus on your intention.

• Be clear about your reasoning for giving up the addiction/habit. eg. health concerns, vanity reasons, relationships, sociability, mental and/or physical state etc.

• Think about and concentrate on something you intensely dislike, that you can imagine and visualize next to your habit or addiction (eg cigarettes or chocolate) to put you off.

• Set a realistic date.

• Plan to make a definite decrease of your consumption day by day, marking the days off as you make positive progress.

• Avoid ‘trigger’ foods, situations or activities that you would usually associate with your habit or addiction.

• Avoid temptation.

Once you are aware of the effect of your thoughts you are able to control them and use them to their best and most positive effect and benefit. We are able to consciously make ourselves (and others) more positive and light just by using our positive intentions and thoughts.

Joanne Walmsley
Sacred Scribes

1 comment:

  1. Love your site. Wanted to offer a suggestion for an additional bullet point.
    - have a plan and a set of tools ready to go in case you look up one day and find yourself triggered.

    To err is human, so having a plan of action in place helps us not fall down the rabbit hole when inevitably we are triggered.
